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作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2008-08-29 18:38:40  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
    资料提示: (原文) Until early in this century, the isolationist tendency prevailed in American foreign policy. Then two f...


Until early in this century, the isolationist tendency prevailed in American foreign policy. Then two factors projected America into world affairs: its rapidly expanding power, and the gradual collapse of the international system centered on Europe. 

The watershed presidencies marked this progression: Theodore Roosevelt’s (1) and Woodrow Wilson’s (2). These men held the reins of government when world affairs were drawing a reluctant nation into their vortex. Both recognized that America had a crucial role to play in world affairs though they justified its emergence from isolation with opposite philosophies. 



  两届具有分水岭意义的总统任期标志着这种事态的发展,(1)罗斯福; (2)威尔逊。这两人执掌政府权力之际,正值世界事务正将美国这个不愿介入国际事务的国家卷入它们的漩涡之时。这两位总统均认识到,美国应在世界事务中扮演关键角色,尽管他们用截然相反的两套学说来为美国从孤立状态中脱颖而出寻找理据。
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