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作者:提问者  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2008-10-28 22:38:00  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

请高手英译汉(手译) 50分
回答:1   浏览:549   提问时间:2008-10-28 22:38
Dear Yiming,
Congratulations!I am delighted to offer you admission to the Bachelor of Science program at Mount Allison University.
While you have met the academic requirements for admission,your application does not give evidence to the level of academic English that the University requires.For this reason,before you may take any Mount Allison courses,you must first successfully vomplete a program of University Preparatory English(UP-English)language studies at the International Language Institute(ILI),an associate of Mount Allison University.
For more information on the ILI,please visit the ILI web site at www.ili.ca.To register for the ILI university preparatory studies,simply follow the instructions online.The length of your English language preparation will depend on your current level of English,as assessed by the ILI.A representative from the ILI can help you to estimate the time that you will need.You may begin your English studies at the ILI during any month of the year.Mount Allison has admissions sessions in both September and January for which you would qualify.
Your first step is to register for your studies at the ILI by following the instructions above.Next,to confirm your acceptance of this offer of admission,please forward your registration deposit of $100.00(non-refundable)to the office of Student Services at Mount Allison University by May 15,2008.Should you decide not to accept this offer,please contact our office.
If we can assist you in anyway or put you in contact with some of our current international students,please let us know.Often,being able to communicate with someone who has experienced the transition of moving to Mount Allison is helpful in how you deal with the adjustment.
Yiming,congratulations from all of us at Mount Allison.Admission has become increasingly commpetitive at many universityes across North America,including Mount Allison;your admission to one of the best universities reflects your accomplishments to date.Ware confident that you will contribute to both the life and work of Mount Allison and benefit greatly from the unique opportunity offered here.I extend best wishes for your success and welcome you to Mount Allison University.
Congratulations Yiming!
It will be great to have you join us at Mount Allison next year.Everyone at Mount Allison that has met you,including Mr.EonByrne and Mr.Charlie Hunter are excited that you have chosen mount Allison!

Robin Walker
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明年如蒙你家入蒙塔埃里森大学,甚为幸事。蒙特埃里森大学所有和你打过交道的人,包括MR Eon Byrne 和MR Charlie Hunter都为你最终选择蒙特埃里森而激动不已。

Robin Walker
回答:2008-10-29 10:38
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