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考研英语长难句分析技巧及实战70例(连载三)           ★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-08-22 20:42:00
    资料提示:31.This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands t...

31.This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.

结构分析:句子主干是This trend began during…, when…引导时间状语从句, 第一个that引导同位语从句,表明conclusion的内容。第二个that引导的是修饰demands的定语从句。


32.This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future.

结构分析:句子主干是This seems…done by supporting a certain amount of research not…but…,not…but句型,意为“不是……而是……”


33.However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascination and delightful aspects.

结构分析:句子主干是However, the world is so made that…systems are…unable to deal with some of the…aspects。so made指“如此构成”,so和后面的that构成so…that结构,意为“如此…以至于…”。

34.New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance.

结构分析:句子主干是New forms…must arise…as they have in the past。主语是new forms和new subjects,后跟介词短语as well as new subjects for thought,谓语是must arise。as在这里引导状语从句as they have in the past,have后省略了arisen,其内容与本句主语一致。giving rise to…是一个现在分词短语做状语。


35.For Lloyd Nickson, a 54 years old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer, the NT Rights of Terminally III law means he can get on with living without the haunting fear of his suffering: a terrifying death from his breathing condition.

结构分析:句子主干是the NT Rights…means he can get on with living without…。For Lloyd Nickson, 是状语,“a 54 years old…cancer”为Lolyd Nicks的同位语。此句的核心结构为Rights means…,he can get on with living without…是一个宾语从句。


36.Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest cabin or settlement.

结构分析:句子主干Someone had nowhere to turn to。traveling是现在分词,是修饰someone的定语。if引导的从句中均省略了“主语+be动词”的结构,这样显得句子简洁。


37.We live a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.

结构分析:句子主干是We live in a society。此句句子虽长,但是结构并不复杂,可以从冒号开始分为两个部分。in which引导了一个定语从句。该从句的分句谓语动词是is而不是are,是因为在这个从句中主语是use,而不是substances。在冒号后的部分中,quiet是及物动词,是“镇静”的意思。

38.Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.

结构分析:句子主干是Dependence is marked first by…, with…, and then by…。with引导的是伴随结构作状语,修饰的是整个第一分句描述的状态。and引导的分句省略了谓语动词marked ,所以该分句并不隶属于第一分句,而是与之并列的结构,when引导的是第二个分句的时间状语从句。


39.But he talked as well about the “balanced struggle” between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.

结构分析:句子主干是But he talked as well about …, and he announced that…由and连接的两个并列成分构成。第二个分句中有一个that引导的宾语从句。


40.Average inflation in the big seven industrial economies fell to a mere 2.3% last year, close to its lowest level in 30 years, before rising slightly to 2.5% this July.

结构分析:句子主干是Average inflation fell。close to相当于省略了which was的非限制性定语从句。Before后面的成分是对全句的补充说明,是状语成分。状语成分可以置句首,也可以置句末,并无规定。之所以用rising,是因为before在这里是介词。


41.Economists have been particularly surprised by favorable inflation figures in Britain and the United States, since conventional measures suggest that both economies, and especially America's, have little productive slack.
结构分析:句子主干是Economists have been…surprised。主句用现在完成时have been…。Since引导的是表原因的状语从句。


42.Actually it isn't, because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights, which is something the world does not have.

结构分析:句子主干是Actually it isn’t…。主句很简单,而because引导的原因状语从句中,又有一个that引导的宾语从句。这个从句中,主语an agreed account of human rights由一个which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰,而这个非限制性定语从句中又有一个限制性定语从句the world does not have来修饰something。


43.Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.

结构分析:句子主干是Some philosophers argue that…。that引导的宾语从句中,as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements充当了补语的角色。


44.Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.

结构分析:句子主干是Arguing from the view that humans are…, extremists of this…逗号前面是一个现在分词短语,做状语,里面又有一个that从句做the view的同位语,逗号后面的that从句是一个宾语从句。


45.When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind's instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.

结构分析:句子主干是When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is …instinct…, an instinct that should be…。以冒号为界,将全句分成两个复合句。前面的复合句里,when that happens是时间状语从句。冒号后面的复合句里有一个that从句,做instinct的定语。

译文:这种反应本身没有错,这是人类道德观念在进行推理时,本能在起作用,这种本能应得到鼓励而不应遭到嘲弄。 (编辑:赵露)

(李国锋,北大经济学硕士。原北京新东方学校国内考试部优秀教师,现任济南新东方学校国内考试部主管兼教学教研部主管。曾师从钟道隆教授研习逆向英语,在两个月内从四级及格水平猛增至92分,并以托福、GRE绝对高分被世界名校YALE录取。主张在备考中掌握方法、培养兴趣、提高实力、增强信心、铸造辉煌。MOTTO: Doing hard things is what makes people better.)

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