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英语专业八级考试翻译试题连载-8           ★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-08-29 18:38:43
    资料提示: (原 文)   哲学家们以各种各样的方式解释世界。哲学是言而不是行。哲学家断乎改变不了自然与社会。是不能也,非不为也。哲学不是科学技术,不是生产力。哲学是怀疑,是思虑,是静观,是探索。   严格来说,哲学不是解释宇宙...

(原 文) 







  Philosophers interpret the world through a myriad of ways. Philosophy is more speculative than active. In no way do philosophers transform nature or society. This is not because they do not wish to, but because they are unable to. Philosophy does not work the way that science and technology do, and for this reason, philosophy does not represent a form of production force. What philosophy does represent are skepticism, reflection, contemplation, and exploration.

  Strictly speaking, philosophy does not attempt at explicating the universe, a responsibility that primarily resides with natural sciences. At their best, philosophers can only interpret life, interpret themselves, and interpret texts. Philosophy does not pretend to be knowledge, hence it does not aim at the construction of a system of knowledge, dissimilar to geometry or physics whose colossal framework of axioms and formulas can provide immediate solutions to the pragmatic problems of human survival. The essence of philosophy lies in eternal questing, questioning, inquiring, and meditating. Philosophy is under no obligation to furnish ready and handy answers. To some extent, philosophers tend to refrain from any secular involvements. 

  A philosopher seldom frequents farmlands or factories, and he even never bothers to look through a telescope to make any observation of celestial bodies. He is only fond of staying in his personal library, in all its quietude, where he indulges himself in book-reading and in musing, pondering on those intangible ontological issues that he deems to be of ultimate significance. A philosopher is willing to surrender himself to utter loneliness and seclusion, confining himself to a room of his own, in a state of overwhelming solitude. In the face of the philosophical issues left over by great philosophical thinkers ancient and modern, he contemplates painstakingly. The only wealth to his possession is texts. Therefore, the task of philosophy is to interpret texts rather than to interpret the universe.

  A philosopher is solely concerned with conducting dialogues with the great souls from ancient antiquity to the contemporary era. In reading books, he converses with the ancients. In writing his own books, he converses with the progeny. In delivering lectures, he converses with a multitude of young students. In contemplating, he converses with himself. He is adept at insights, penetrating into the future. He excels in speculations, speculating on the infinite. He indulges in reveries, traveling in the otherworld in unbounded fantasy. He abounds in sympathies, concerned about the eternal. He converses with the philosophers and the great minds in the remotest corners of the earth. In this sense, his vision extends into the infinite distance and his thoughts are connected with the past and the future. His vision and thoughts transcend all spatiotemporal boundaries whatsoever. He is great; he is immortal; because he is in permanent dialogue with the great souls of the past, the present and the future ……

  A person who pursues philosophy as his destiny must be ready to trudge along a lonely path replete with twists and turns, purposelessly and aimlessly. Nor should he expect to reap any materialistic rewards. He should be fully prepared to bid farewell to bouquets of flowers, honorary titles, applauses, and prizes in favor of committing himself solely to a life of meditation and contemplation. Only in such a state will true philosophy be born.

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