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《从零开始学西班牙语》(ell me More Spanish)         ★★★★
《从零开始学西班牙语》(ell me More Spanish)
作者:外语沙龙 文章来源:外语学习网 点击数: 更新时间:2005-04-23 00:03:00
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英文名称:ell me More Spanish
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Serial Tell me more Spanish


这是最新新版本的TeLL me More(告诉我更多)、包括水平初级、中级和提高。
TELL ME MORE。在全世界拥有5百万用户、它的语音识别技术和个性化语言课程是含金量最高的。TeLL me More(告诉我更多)现在全世界有超过5百万。 laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

The latest intelligent software version evaluates your progress as you learn, and uses your results to suggest the activities and exercises best suited to your needs, just as a teacher would.

This package contains levels Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, and is the perfect solution to learn Spanish. It also includes 250 hours of learning of Latin American Spanish, levels Complete Beginner and Beginner. More than 5,000 exercises, organized in 35 different types of activities, 1,000 hours of learning!

It was just awarded the number 1 ranked product and "Top 10 Reviewers' Choice Gold Award Winner" for Spanish Learning Software.

The latest version of TeLL me More, the world's leading language software package, has just been released! This new version, which is based on the proven fundamentals of TeLL me More (such as speech recognition technology and personalized learning paths), has advanced even further. The interface has been completely revised and modernized, making the software even easier to use. The linguistic content is now divided into Workshops, which group together activities according to the skills they work on (written and oral expression, grammar, vocabulary, etc.). In addition to this, a new comprehensive Cultural Workshop focuses on the culture of the countries in which the language you are learning is spoken.

Auralog has broken new ground in the educational sector with its Dynamic Mode. This new working mode adjusts the learning path of each user, according to his or her needs. The software constantly analyses the results obtained in each activity and then suggests which activity to do next, following the learner's needs and objectives. This innovative working mode is intended to allow learners to work independently, by analyzing their results as they work and by adapting their working program according to these results.

This artificial intelligence engine thus personalizes the users' course of study, allowing them to progress at their own rhythm. TeLL me More is the only intelligent language learning software solution, and is thus a real alternative to traditional language lessons.

上边的是英法西三国字典这里才是Tell me More Spanish连接.请COPY:[

ed2k://|file|Tell Me More Espagnol CD 1,2,3,4.rar|1536547935|e466dc44242c7840a2a0b78b1b3fb913|

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