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意大利语介词 A
作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2007-09-05 14:20:31  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

The Italian preposition a can mean "to," "at," or "in," depending on how you use it in context. You will need preposition a in the following cases:

1. To express the idea of going somewhere or staying somewhere (with names of cities):

Vado a Milano. (I go to Milan.)

Vado al mercato ogni lunedì. (I go to the market every Monday.)

Si trova a Venezia. (It can be found in Venice.)

Si trova alla piazza. (It can be found in the plaza.)

2. Before direct objects:

Scriva a Rita. (He/she writes to Rita.)

Scriviamo alla zia. (We write to our aunt.)

Telefono agli amici. (They call their friends.)

3. The preposition a is also used with several verbs. Often those are verbs of motion, but in other instances it