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延世大学GSIS硕士课程简介           ★★★
作者:外语沙龙 文章来源:互联网 点击数: 更新时间:2007-01-05
延世大学是韩国最为著名的大学之一,GSIS课程,是由国际研究生院(Graduate School of International Studies)提供的在国际贸易,金融,国际关系,地域研究等英文授课的硕士和博士课程,并有丰富的奖学金,特别有针对中国学生的冠群奖学金。


Entrance requirements and admissions procedures for the Graduate School of International Studies differ between Korean and Non-Korean citizens. Information for Korean citizen applicants, who do not meet the requirements below, is not included in this section. Those applicants should follow the domestic students' application procedure (click here for more information). However, all candidates, regardless of citizenship, must be graduates of a bachelor's degree program at a recognized college or university in Korea or abroad.

Korean citizen applicants who have completed all sixteen years of education (primary, secondary and undergraduate education) outside of Korea may apply outside of the quota in the same manner as foreign citizens. Proof of foreign education can be made by submitting original transcripts for all sixteen years of education, beginning with the first grade of elementary school.

Even if you have a foreign citizenship, unless both of your parents also have foreign citizenship or you have completed all the years of education outside of Korea as stated above, you cannot apply as an international student (Please click here to see relevant laws and regulations)

Master's program applicants are not required to have any specific undergraduate degree nor are there any specific prerequisites. The educational backgrounds of admitted students are often diverse in nature. Incoming students may have degrees in engineering, computer science and business, as-well-as agriculture, human resources, music, physics, psychology and many other fields.

Master's Program (click each item for detailed information)
1. Completed Application Form.
2. Official transcripts of all undergraduate work (sealed and signed).
3. TOEFL or IELTS score (the original document) if highschool and undergraduate education was not in English.
4. One photocopy of Bachelor's Degree
(* note: Chinese students are required to submit copies of Bachelor's Degree and Diploma plus the VERIFICATION of their degree issued by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center (
http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn/) or China Higher Education Students Information (http://www.chsi.com.cn/index.htm).
5. Two letters of recommendation from professors or supervisors
6. An application essay
7. A Resume
8. Two photos (plain background).
9. Application fee of US$80.
10. One copy of a Verification of Deposit (VOD) of the person responsible for student's expenses.
11. A copy of your passport

*NOTE:Financial Aid Form (for those applying for the International Student Award), as well as applications to other available scholarships such as the Korea Foundation Fellowship and Kwanjeong Scholarship and the pertinent supplementing documentation should be submitted along with the school application.

Doctoral Program
Prospective students for the Doctoral Program must meet the Master's Program requirements including the following additional requirements.

1. Official transcripts of all graduate work (sealed)
2. One photocopy of Master's Degree
3. A Research Plan
4. A Writing Sample (term papers or master's thesis of at least 40 pages)
5. Official GRE scores (optional)

*Note: We highly recommend students applying for the doctoral program to consult with the Chair Professor of the program they are interested in before making any formal application. In light of the highly selective nature of the selection process and the limited number of candidates which can be supported at any one time, this will ensure that the applicant and GSIS faculty each have a clear understanding of the applicant's research plans and the faculty's respective compatability with those goals.

Application Deadline

-End of November for the spring term
-End of May for the fall term

Send Your Application To

Room 510 New Millennium Hall
The Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University
Seodaemoon-Ku, Shinchon-dong 134
Seoul, 120-749, Korea
Tel) 82-2-2123-3292~4

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