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4+1听力口语MP3-语音-Lesson52           ★★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 23:10:17


Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear ??? in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _____ stand
2. short______
3. ______ room
4. _____the house
5. _____ the door
6. a _____ present
7. ____ English
8. _____ cats and dogs
9. _____ book
Part Two跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound ????in the sentences.
1. Ann needs another nice name.
2. Don’t spend more money than you earn.
3. Lend the men the designs that you’ve drawn.
4. Will the politician finance the nuclear plant now?
5. This expression is used when friends haven’t seen each other for long.
6. They have been neighbors for quite a few months.
7. The man and the woman live in a six-storied building.
8. I don’t think the ship will sink.
9. Helen’s new house is near the lake.
10. What’s going on?
D. Proverbs
  Nature is the glass reflecting truth.
  If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always.
E. Tongue twisters
  Nancy’s number is neither ninety nor nineteen.
  Nina needs nine knitting needles to knit naughty Nita’s knickers nicely.
Part Three综合练习
F. Read after the tape.
Initial: no know knowledge note noble nervous gnaw night navy
  name now nail na?ve narrow nasty neck nasal nation
  native neglect
Medial: honor plenty land ground can’t government banner offense
island business outnumber distance ransack technique
  tenacious tendency technical transport unsettle vanity
Final: woman women contain eaten taken sudden kitchen season
  broken American sun win sin tin tine train tradition vein
  wanton waxen
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 : Listen to the sentences and write down the right words you hear on the tape .
1. He likes _________.
2. I’ve _____ you more than once.
3. In my _______, you shouldn’t go there alone.
4. I felt ________, because the pipe in my bathroom is broken.
Exercise 2 : Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. If you have questions, just put up your h_____.
2. It’s r____n hard.
3. The farmers work on the l____d.
4. The letter B comes be_______ A and C.
Exercise 3 : Form a sentence with the words given below.
are ten kitchen in onions there the
Exercise 4 : Form sentences in past tense with the following prepositions.
1. in 2. on 3. under 4. near
H. Passage: underline the letters that sound?????.
⑴ One day Mrs. Neat got on a bus, went up on top and sat down. When the conductor asked her for her fare, she opened her handbag, took out the coins and then closed the handbag.
⑵ I’m Mrs. Nelson. My first name is Nancy. I’m a nurse and work in a hospital. I’m married to John Nelson. He’s a professor of Education.
My husband and I live in New York State. We live in a house. Our house isn’t new and it isn’t large, but we like it very much.
We have two children, a daughter and a son. My daughter’s name is Helen. Her room is upstairs. It isn’t big. But it’s neat and sunny.
Our son is only one year old. His name is Han. We love our children very much.
I. Dialogue
⑴ A: Good morning. I’m looking for a one-bedroom apartment downtown.
  B: Certainly, sir. How much rent did you want to pay?
  A: Well, I didn’t want to pay more than $520 a month.
  B: $520 a month? We don’t often have apartments as inexpensive as that.We have
  one apartment for $599 a month, on Seventh Avenue. It’s near the station.
  A: Is it furnished?
  B: No. it’s unfurnished. It has a kitchen, but no oven.There’s a garden in the back,
  but the tenants can’t use it.The landlord lives downstairs.Friends are forbidden
  in the apartment after midnight. No noise and no television after 11:15. No…
  A: No, thank you! I want an apartment, not a prison.
⑵ A: Alan, open your presents. Here’s one from Mr. Jones.
  B: Ok. Wow!A brown baseball and a nice bat that was signed by all the playerson
  the New York Yankees. Gee, thank you, Mr. Jones.
  A: I’m glad you like it. Come on, Alan.
  B: Here’s one from Mr. Han. He’s gone to Washington on business last night. He
  told me this would be a great surprise to you. I wonder if it’s a big ice-cream
  A: Oh, boy! A nice CD player! I’ll go and buy a hundred CDs. I wish it were my
  birthday every day!
  B: Me, too. Alan, this is mine. Hope you like it.
  A: Definitely! My! What a nice skateboard!This is what I’ve been dreaming for
  since last Christmas. Oh, thank you. Tom. You ’re so kind to me.
  B: I can teach you how to skate.
  A: What’s that?
  B: It’s from Ben.
  A: I know him. He’s good at baseball. Wow! A mitt!
  B: Here’s a card. Too. Alan. I’ll read it to you.
G. Jingles and rhymes
⑴ Mix a pancake, ⑵ When the wind is in the East,
Stir a pancake, It’s good for neither man nor beast;
Pop it in the pan. When the wind is in the North,
Fry the pancake, The skillful fisher goes not forth;
Toss the pancake, When the wind is in the South,
Catch it if you can. It blows the bait in the fish’s mouth;
When the wind is in the West,
   Then it is at its very best.
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