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4+1听力口语MP3-语音-Lesson44           ★★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 23:10:25


Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear ?(?? or ?(???in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. ___________ a doctor 6. ___________ strength
2. Give us a ___________. 7. ___________sth. up
3. a___________stone 8. the ___________ of time
4. Take your ___________. 9. in the ___________
5. ___________up
Part Two综合练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound ?(???or ?(?? in the sentences .
1. Won’t you take a chair and sit down?
2. There is a box of chocolate on the chair.
3. Is he a chain smoker?
4. The children are chasing on the beach.
5. Jane had chicken and French fries for lunch.
6. The chief charge against John is that he cheated the judge.
7. John urged Judy to buy a digital watch.
8. George is choosing a chair.
9. He bought a cheap watch.
10. They are marching to the beach.
1. He had a tooth drawn.
2. He is at the age of 75.
3. George is drinking a glass of orange juice.
4. I’m much obliged to you.
5. The chief charge against John is that he cheated the judge.
6. John urged Judy to buy a digital watch.
7. Just for a joke, we mixed gin and ginger with some jam.
8. They are walking along the edge of the bridge.
9. This watch has 15 jewels.
10. It’s a hard job for a poor man to keep his wife and children clothed and fed.
D. Proverbs
Misfortunes always come at night.
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.
E. Tongue twisters
/(?/ Charles chose cheap cheese and cherries.
  Watch the children playing catch on the beach.
  Charles chartered a launch to Greenwich Reach where he purchased a lunch of
  chops and cheese
/(?/ Joseph Johnson jeered a jesting juggler. A jesting juggler Joseph Johnson
  When Joseph Johnson jeered a jesting juggler, how did Joseph Johnson jeer
  the jesting juggler?
  George follows the edge of the hedge until he reaches the bridge.
Part Three综合练习
F. Read after the recorder.
Initial: chance chalk chief chest choice cheap chip chest chat chop
Jack jacket jeep gymnastic geography germ Jane join joke judge
Medial: discharge entrenchment richer picture torture biology gadget rejoin
  major margin
Final: which sandwich hatch rich inch reach hatch torch march itch
hedge age sewage beverage charge forge urge lodge badge large
G. Sentence exercises
  Exercise 1 : Listen to these sentences and circle the right word you hear on the tape.
1. She’s (choking/joking).
2. Both David and Robert don’t like (ships/chips).
3. Are these (Madge’s/matches)?
4. I’ll (watch/wash) the bag for you.
Exercise 2 : Complete the following sentences based on the letters given.
1. Which kind of cheese do you ch___se?
2. Fetch the ch__en from the butcher’s.
3. The giant had a h___ jaw.
4. Jame was obliged to ch__ge the arrangement.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence in present tense using the words given and other structural words.
Jame very much jam cheese enjoy
Exercise 4 :Questions and Answers
1. Who’s sitting in that armchair?
Jane is. She’s sitting there and knitting.
2. Where’s her child?
In the garden. He’s playing with his toys.
3. Look at this picture of the church. What are the people doing?
They are having a church service.
4. What’s the man doing in this picture?
He’s striking a match to light his cigarette.
5. What’s in the jar in this picture?
Well, jam. It’s a jar of strawberry jam.
6. The jeep in this picture looks nice.
Is it yours?
7. No, it’s John’s. Yes, it’s a nice jeep.
It’s the latest model made in Beijing.
8. Who’s walking on this bridge?
The judge is. He enjoys a walk on this bridge after work.
H. Passage: underline the letters that sound ?(???or ?(???.
  My uncle George is really quite a charming gentleman. But he simply has no judgement when it comes to choosing topic of conversation. He embarrassed us recently when he gave us a long lecture. He chose the subject of Anglo-German cultural relations. A wretched man who had come to move some furniture had to listen.
I. Dialogue: underline the letters that sound ?(??or ?(??? .
⑴ A: Good morning, Ms Chan. What can I get you today?
  B: Good morning, Mr. Church. I’d like some lamb chops for the children’s lunch.
  A: Shoulder chops, Ms Chan?
  B: Yes. I’ll take four shoulder chops and I’d like a small chicken.
  A: Would you like to choose a chicken?
  B: Which one is cheaper?
  A: This one is cheapest.
  B: How much is all that? I don’t have much cash. Can I give you a check?
  A: Yes, of course, Ms Chan.
⑵ A: How are the children doing in your class, Jane?
  B: They’re all doing fine. Let me show you some of their pictures.
  A: Which child is this?
  B: That’s Charles.
  A: What a large child!
  B: All my children are large.
  A: And which child is this?
  B: That’s James.
  A: What an agile child!
  B: All my children are agile.
  A: Now which child is this?
  B: That’s Joanna. Joanna hopes to go to college.
  A: Mm. “All my children hope to go to college.” Right?
⑶ Childishness (童心)
  A: “I wonder if I can see your mother, little boy. Is she engaged?”
  B: “Engaged? She’s married”.
  A: “Johnny, I wish you’d stop reaching for things. Haven’t you a tongue?”
  B: “ Yes, Mother, but my arm is longer.”
J. Nursery rhymes
⑴ Jack and Jill went up the hill, ⑵ Chuck! Chuck! Chuck?
  to fetch a pail of water. I’ve hatched a little duck,
  Jack fell down and broke his crown, and such a batch of cheeping chicks.
  and Jill came tumbling after. Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!
⑶ Jump, jump, over the hedge, And joggety-jog across the bridge,
And jingle-jangle all the way, Gee-up! The jolly old gentlemen say!
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