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4+1听力口语MP3-语音-Lesson39           ★★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 23:10:30


Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear?????or???? in the word .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below .
1. _______ sky 4. a _______of pants 7. an English _______
2. high _______ 5. _______ and small 8. stand _______
3. _______ the door 6. _______ out 9. the _______
Part Two跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound ??? and ????in the words .
1. I’m playing guitar.
2. Shall we play together?
3. I can play the piano.
4. There is a lamp on the desk.
5. Peter is picking plums and apples.
6. Pat and Paul met each other in a park.
7. Ping-pong is a popular sport and is played in many places.
8. Peter is eating a pie.
9. Peter is pouring some water into the pot.
10. Peter is playing his harp.
1. Bring me the basket.
2. Jack was born in America.
3. We go to bed at 9 o’clock.
4. Did you see the mob there?
5. The robber broke into the bank, but was caught by the police.
6. The blackbird brought back a beautiful big worm for his babies.
7. I see a doorbell on the door.
8. The taxicab is coming.
9. Bob bought a new bike yesterday.
10. Bob is camping beside a lake.
D. Proverbs
Patience is a plaster of all sores.
Beauty is only skin deep.
E. Tongue twisters
Peter Payntor the painter prefers painting pink pigs to picking pretty purple pansies.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate.
Bill bought boiled beef and broad beans.
Bill’s big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.
Part Three综合练习
F. Read after the recorder.
Initial: pig pack pair park pie pause peace pork put pick
big back bare bark buy bus beg bark bid bag
Medial: appear compose compare sleeper spring whisper spend beeper
  Supper hopper obey robber labor member timber jobber
  ribbon verbose verbal vibrate
Final: sharp rope tape cap sip step sip lip harp heap
cab tribe job lab mob rob herb robe tube bribe
G. Sentences exercises
Exercise 1?: Listen to these sentences and circle the right word you hear on the tape.
1. There are (pears/bears) in the garden.
2. Could you tell me where the (pills / bills) are?
3. He’s got a yellow (robe/rope).
4. Did you take a (path/bath) just now?
Exercise 2?: Complete the following sentences based on the letters given.
    1. His parents gave him a nice birthday p_____ for his 18th birthday.
2. They’re b_____ a new house.
  3. I want to b___ some books for my younger sister.
4.Yesterday Mary and Tom went to a restaurant to cele____ their wedding anniversary.
Exercise 3: Form a sentence using the words given and other structural words.
boys work days build boat
Exercise 4: Complete these sentences by adding adverbs.
1. Sue is singing _______ (happy) on the grass.
2. The sun shines _______ (bright) in summer.
H. Passage
⑴ Bob’s Polish friend Peter went to Spain and Portugal. In Oporo he bought some
  baskets and pottery and brought them back to Black pool for Bob to see.
  “Pretty good,” said Bob.
  “Are these peppers pots?”
  “No, bread baskets,” Peter replied promptly, “By the way, where did you put my
  “Your bills?”
  “No, my pills.”
  “In the pocket of your both robe.”
⑵ How to pack?
  Use a small, light bag. Someone in your family may already have one that you can
  borrow. If you need to buy a bag, remember to find a simple one, like a canvas
  shoulder bag or a small backpack.
  Be sure to put your things in your bag evenly. It makes carrying around a bag a lot
  Roll up your casual clothes instead of folding and laying them flat. This leaves
  more room to pack other things, and keeps your clothes fairly wrinkle-free.
  Pack any breakables in the middle of your bag. Cushion them with your clothing.
  Put nametags with your home address on—and in—your bag. Write in waterproof
  Remember that it is you who have been invited somewhere, not your things. You
  will have an easier time if you’re not weighed down, do it right—pack light.
I. Dialogue
⑴ A: Looks like a good party, I probably know about half the people.
  B: Who’s that boy?
  A: Where?
  B: The one next to the telephone.
  A: I don’t know. Never saw him before. Why?
  B: I think he’s the boy who just moved into my apartment building.
⑵ A: How do you do? I’m Parker.
  B: How do you do? Mr. Barker.
  A: Parker.
  B: Oh, Parker with a P?
  A: Yes, with a P.
  B: Er…I’m Barker.
  A: Barker? With a B. Of course.
  B: Yes, with a B.
  A: Won’t you come in, Mr. Barker?
  B: Thank you, Mr. Parker.
J. Jingles and rhymes(顺口溜与押韵句)
⑴ I passed by his garden, and marked with one eye
  How the Owl and the Panther were sharing a pie:
  The Panther took pie-crust and gravy, and meat,
  While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat.
  When the pie was all finished, the Owl, as a boon,
  Was kindly permitted to pocket the spoon,
  While the Panther received knife and fork with a growl.
  And concluded the banquet…
⑵ Bill had a billboard, and Bill also had a board bill.
  The board bill bored Bill, so that Bill sold the Billboard to pay his board bill.
  So after Bill sold his billboard to pay his board bill, the board bill no longer bored
K. Messages of greeting(赠言)
⑴ Warm thanks to someone special
  What a bright and happy place
  This world would be
  If every one were just as nice as you have been to me.
There is no end to the thanks that I’m sending to you because there is no end to the kind things you do.
⑵ Good-bye and Good Luck
  Wherever you go
  and whatever you do,
  May the happiest things
  always happen to you.
  May your future be
  bright with promise,
  glad with hope,
  blessed with peace and joy.
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